Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style

All children process information in different ways. This is formally known in the education sector as a “learning style”. If parents can figure out which learning style is most applicable to their child, they will be in a better position to support their child academically. A private girls’ school in Hertfordshire has put together the following information on the three main learning styles to help.

Auditory Learners

Children who are auditory learners tend to absorb and retain information best by listening and talking, as opposed to reading it in books. They might find it challenging to follow instructions that have been provided in written form rather than given verbally. If you think your child is an auditory learner, you should encourage them to read aloud while studying and listen to podcasts rather than reading textbooks. You should also bear in mind that auditory learners are easily distracted by background noise, so try and make sure this is kept to a minimum whilst your child is learning. If they are struggling with their homework, it might help for them to talk through the problems with you rather than burying their head in their notes. 

Visual Learners

As the name suggests, visual leaners like to see information in order to process it. This could be in written form, or better yet, in the form of images, maps, graphics, and colourful diagrams. If you think your child is a visual learner, you should invest in lots of coloured pens and paper that they can use when studying so that they can underline and highlight important information that they need to retain.

Kinaesthetic Learners

Kinaesthetic learners prefer hands-on experiences in which they can engage all of their senses. Simply put, they learn through ‘doing’. If your child struggles to concentrate on their schoolwork for long periods of time and tends to fidget a lot, they could be a kinaesthetic learner. They also tend to be drawn to physical subjects like sport, art, and drama, and they love to go on excursions. You can help your child with kinaesthetic learning by exploring the great outdoors, playing educational board games, and performing science experiments at home.